Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy House!

The realtor stopped by to bring us flowers from the church from whom
we bought the house! And this is the only not messy in
2AM. Work in progress!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Visiting with Sister

Louie liked the fish tank!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yard sale!

Cat's first yard sale Saturday! First stop, purse & bear-FREE!! I
bought hallmark Christmas snowman & dog.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Before dinner

Hanging out with Lintners before going to dinner. SK threw football
from seat!

On to the Butterflies!

I would love to say that the following photos of butterflies

were from hard work, belly crawl in a field of flowers.

Chasing the subject, laying in wait...but that would be a big fat lie. On the grounds of the cave, the butterfly house!

Basically a walk through zoo...for butterflies.

Steve compared it to going to the zoo,

photographing the lion,

and trying to pass off as on safari.

Whatever! Ok, so he has a point...

enjoy the following cheap shots:

Still don't care.

These are the best ones I've taken in a long time!

So what if they started out as super glued to cardboard?
No really...

Lost River Cave

Went with Rhonda and Kerry(fellow angler wives) to Bowling Green.
Lured by the adventure of a river trip through a cave... she is. Not the shot from brochure.
Notice the highway and power lines?
Steve was right, tourist trap...but we still had fun!

Near "Blue Hole", while our tour guide told tales of stuff,

I watched these crawdads fight for the prime

real estate under the log.

The sucker that currently was holding the spot was HUGE!

Our guide pointing out the ceiling we'd have

to duck under to get into the cave.

Rhonda in pink, Kerry the blurry person next to me.

(Due to lack of personal abdominal bending space,

I squatted on the floor of the boat.)

This was it.

I was loving the 55 degree temperature...

but the tour went to the back of the room, and done.

Seen better caves in my day, and wanted to float further.

Back to the outside...where we hiked to the butterfly house.

Oh the Things You Will See...

On the drive to Bowling Green with Rhonda & Kerry...
We come up behind this:
First look...a squashed VW Bug?
Then...noooo...a Bug Bike!?
Have to admire the creativity and art work
Yep, busted as I'm snapping photos.
Smile and a wave...then gone.
If I hadn't taken pictures, you'd never have believed me!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Walking to Scales

Steve walking up with fish...guesses 10lbs. We shall see...

His five fish weighed 11-6...

good enough for 20th place on day one!

Blast Off Day 1, Old Hickory

Ok, so Steve's not in photo. I was busy cheering when he went through!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

More Photos by Request

By popular are more shots of Sophia's nursery stuff.
Valance, one of two for the windows.
Sitting on top of crib bumper.
Pillow sham...turned sideways
Entire quilt...sheep, bunnies, stars, moons, trees.
Rug that is 5x8...not my photo because rug is huge!
Right now it's staying wrapped!

Not good...but not as bad as looks!

Storm came through while we were at the meeting.

The awning collapsed. Only a little ding in compartment door.

Very lucky that there were no rips in the material!

Steve fixed it...he's good like that...and we were able to roll it back up.


We have a theme!

Just picked up Sophia's cribset here in TN. "Twinkle twinkle"
is her nightlight. Steve went with me & liked it! I think because more
yellow than PINK!

Saturday, June 21, 2008


After yard sailing, we got some "momma's love"! A kick butt sandwich
made in Auburn at the original location. It was good too...ah, naptime.

Scary Boxes

Ok, so we go into storage SEVEN years ago. With a one year intent of
seeing our stuff again.
There are some boxes that I just don't want to know what happened!
Science project gone wrong. Candles do morph into interesting shapes,
colors when thrown together too.
On to open this box...I'm scared.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Break Time

While moving boxes like ants...
we pause to enjoy view.
Yes, we are on camping chairs. Digging for rest of furniture! :)

Watch Out Squirrels!

There's a new sheriff in backyard! Louie chased FIVE very fat and
happy squirrels up tree in our backyard. I know they are still up in
tree trying to figure out, "what the hell was that?" Tales of barking
white lightening are circling the treetops!

We Bought a House!

...or it bought us.
Either way, we spent the night last night in Casa de Kennedy.
Moving stuff in today!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Louie unpacks!

We closed on house this morning.
Moving in slowly, found Louie's toys.
He immediately made himself at home!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Checking out new backyard...3 blueberry bushes.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Attack of Nieces!

Headed Out!

Been fun, but we are pulling out of Kentucky Lake!
Louie on point at the campground.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Two Last Cool Shots

This one really creeps me out of the snake
lurking inside the the pop out & strike
any minute!!

He eventually stuck his head out to see

where I was, and what I was up to...

these were Gray Rat Snakes.

Snake Fight On!

Off the tree on the ground...not sure if fighting
or doing the dance of love?
They were twisting their bodies around each other.

They kept doing this push head down thing...

The smaller of the two brought out the knife,
biting which seemed so much like cheating.

Trying to establish dominance.

After the two snakes battled on the ground;
one slithered across the road,
other climbed back up into the trees.

First Look

Steve took Louie for a walk and happened upon snakes in a tree!
They are coming out of a knot hole.
Two males trying to squeeze the mess out of each other,
and a smaller darker colored female is still in the hole.
(due to lack of great signal, have to publish one at time)

Steve Found Snakes

Here SK is trying to catch a grey rat snake near our campsite!

Watched this sucker fight with another...

photos to be posted when have signal!

Snake was 6 feet long.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day Three Weigh-in

SK signs autographs behind stage. He ended up 24th this week! Weighed
17-4 five fish.