Saturday, June 29, 2013

Movie Saturday!

Steve, Sophia, SJ, and I went to the theater today to see Monsters University. Four thumbs up!! We all loved it...huge Monsters, Inc. fans!

Almost made it...

Steve came home tonight from a two week run at events. Sophia and SJ were so excited. She wanted to stay up to see him! She even made a sign. SJ said he'd see him when the sun came up; SK jr style went to bed!
In the last thirty minutes before Steve arrived, Sophia took her post at the window overlooking the driveway. That vantage point is where she was certain she would see him first...I knew the pillows would suck her in!
After a quick check on the cookies in the oven, I found her snoozing loudly! So sweet, I had to take a luck would have it, Steve backed down the driveway as if on cue!
I did wake her up to see him. She ran to the front, hid. She jumped out, as very well planned, and yelled "surprise"!
There was a brief visit followed by protest, she went to bed...Steve immediately crashed too!
(And that's a tiger on her sign, "because we are Auburn Tigers." And a fish on the line)

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Project for Day

Refinish my chest of drawers! Kids loved being able to flick off the veneer WITH PERMISSION. SJ started the process while watching TV months ago. It was so much fun to be able to do my projects together!