Thursday, August 28, 2008

Last Day...Today!

Our cut to the beach from the campground.
Steve walking out on the jetty to check for bait.
Bird shots...because I do that...

Here is the final view from the top of the bus over the dunes.
We had a fabulous time.
Steve didn't catch his tarpon this trip either...
hooked twice, but didn't land it!
There's always next year...

Second Day at Beach

Steve fighting a shark and loving it!
Kiss while snorkeling
There are deer at St. Joseph Peninsula State Park.
While snorkeling for scallops, we saw so many cool critters.

Here is a conch...with creature still inside!

Louie kept watch over the bait tank for everybody...

I think he is trying to figure out how to catch the fish inside!

We'd let Louie jump in and swim around to cool off

while we snorkeled. He loves the water!

Tons of sand dollars to be found.

Here is a live one that I quickly photographed, and put back.

First Day Down

This is our site, Karen & Van in the background leftThat is my speckled trout that Steve is so
kindly holding up for me...the biggest one of trip.

Louie on point loving his first trip out in the boat in Florida
Steve holding up a horseshoe crab for me
There are always storms in the afternoon.

We ran through a little rain, but no lightning!

Cool bird on the seawall coming into the boat ramp.Louie supervising the cleaning of supper.

Catch included Speckled Trout, Red, and Spanish.

Van had already cleaned the scallops on the water.

Quick Trip to FL

We had just pulled into the parking lot from drive down. Had to dodge
storms & tornadoes, but so worth it!
More photos of snorkling & fishing to follow. :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sunflower Crop

Pretty excited about these nine...9...NINE plants.
9 out of the like 200 I planted. What I did was set out a beautiful
buffet for my squirrels.
Should have tied little napkins around their tiny necks before I left!
All good! I have nine that may bloom!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Out the Window...

Ok, so Steve and I have a little down time.
We are unpacking a few things.
Washing enough clothes and towels for a small country.
Steve is trying to dry out his boat...still.
We have great windows in the house.
Louie noticed first what sounded like someone pecking on the front door.
I looked out to see this squirrel chewing on our gutters.
Anyone have an explanation for this one?

Front yard hummingbird feeder always busy.

Caught this guy on the limb...which is hard. The suckers are fast and small,

difficult to focus and catch. He's about to take off.

Yes, our squirrels have fleas.

This one is scratching in the Dogwood.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Finds for the Day

Mark, Steve, & I braved rains of Faye to yard sale this morning. 7 am
start! Found a few deals. Louie's favorite is the pink exercise ball!
He thinks it's his new perch!
Not fights over junk today...pretty mellow.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Downtime Fun

Steve is checking the problem with the bus generator. Little water on
the wires is never good...going to be fun doing a rewire!


Right after Steve hung one of the dollar estate sale feeders,
we had our first patron within minutes.
This is right outside our den windows.
I think he heard me snapping the pictures of him...
little head cocked to the side.

Estate Sales Can Get Ugly!

SK & I decided to hit an estate sale after breakfast.

We got there ten
minutes early to beat the crowds...NOT!
Here is me at the back of the line right before the stampede inside
began. Steve & I scored two hummingbird feeders for $1 each, & crystal
bead necklace(because sparkle).
There were mini rifts through out the house.
Overheard one woman saying, "she knew I wanted that...can't believe
she snatched it from me." All over a bunch of used stuff...

Next one, tomorrow morning.

I'm wearing a cup & shoulder pads. :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Last Lap

We always hook up the boat to the bus in a huge parking lot before
leaving. Louie usually runs off some energy for the ride...full
throttle! Steve is being left behind in orange! :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Last Day at Murray

Ran into Tony...had to get picture made! At final day of the
tournament, walking around visiting with old friends on FLW Tour.
Thankful not stuck in booth!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Day Two Weigh-in, FLW Championship

Louie in the morning watching out the window
as the sunrises over the lake...beautiful sparkle.

After surviving the "police escort"

(AKA "fend for yourself & try not to get hit while keeping up

with the leader that floored it and took off") to the weigh-in,

Steve shows me the big fish of his bag in parking lot.

Inside the weigh-in, SK on the big screens

Another great interview

Showing the crowd one of Murray's better fish.

Steve ended the tournament in 23rd place, great finish.

Bringing home $10,000.00...not bad for stop over on the way home.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Stopped for Newspaper...

I usually get my news fix on-line, but bought local paper this morning.
Figure Lou & I would check for nearby estate & yard sales.

But what's at the bottom of the FRONT PAGE?

Why it's bass action hero Steve Kennedy during national anthem!

Even name dropped in by-line! an FLW event too!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Sunrise Visitor

Louie & I didn't make blast off this AM. SK was first flight, & the
drive by land is farther than time allowed. So, no cluster of boats
Here is a shot out of our bedroom window of a Great Blue Heron fishing
for breakfast. Louie watched his every move.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Off-limits Today Anyway

"The sun did not shine.
It was too wet to play.
So we sat in the house
All that cold, cold, wet day."

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Louie on Point!

Louie was so excited to get to go practice this morning. I put Steve
in around 8. We drove in shifts through the night, triple tow-bus,
Jeep, boat.

18 Wheeler Hit Road Painter

Three hours out, interstate 77 shut down accident right in front of us.
Taking a break...

Monday, August 11, 2008

We Are Outta Here!

Steve went to the Junior World Championship yesterday rather than
drive. He sacrificed a day on Murray practice.

He said best thing he's done all year.

94 kids, the number I heard, participated. He met & congratulated
everyone of them.

Screw this week, whatever happens...he's already a

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Take Off Day 3, Oneida Lake

ALWAYS great to be fishing on Saturday...
money day.
Steve went out in 5th place.
Sunrise at the ramp this morning.
During the national anthem, helicopter camera
Here is Steve going through on his way out.
Louie found a stick in the water that he HAD to chew.
The super service crew that keeps
the anglers boats on the water!
Fun group to hang out with too and yap.

Earlier This Week, Sunday

This past Sunday SK spent a few minutes
getting ready to fish Oneida.
Usually, that doesn't involve completely gutting his boat.
Here's ONE of the containers from rear compartment...
Notice the water line 3/4 full!
Ibuprofen did not make it.
Those are are a pair of Solar Bat sunglasses floating!


Here are a few of the baits that were soaked.

A few dollars worth out to dry in the sun.

Be interesting to see if the hooks make it.

Most of the time when wet, they rust.

To read about the source of the water

Lake Erie Day 2: