Friday, November 18, 2016

SJ's 1st Lost Tooth

To pull his tooth, SJ and SK planned a Coco yank. Floss was tied around SJ's ridiculously loose tooth. The other end was tied to Coco's harness. Sophia had a treat and called Coco...success! The tooth cane out!
It's in the shark pillow awaiting the tooth fairy!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Ghost in the Window!

I walked into the bedroom to see a ghost! Coco was watching SK out in the driveway. Pretty cute.
She also likes to snuggle between me and SK. He says she is being affectionate...I say she is shoving me away!

Last Castle

It was cold on Sunday. Good weather to help you leave. We went out and built one last sand castle. Only took was a pot from the camper. Our hands were shovels and molds. Shells made decorations. Love it.

Sunrise on Leaving Day

Sophia and I walked Coco, then returned her to the camper. We hit the beach for a sunrise stroll. Magic.

Sunset Day Two

The super moon was amazing to see rise...and my babies were completely worn out after showers.

Day Two Fishing Continued

We watched dolphins after walking the beach. We then caught sharks! After great day, there was the most beautiful sunset to cruise home into!

Shell Covered Island!

SK put us out on an island to look for shells. We met Kerry and Sara on the shore, all guys went fishing.
Coco was hysterical picking her own shells up and running around on the beach! She chewed a few...
The kids were getting hot and "fell" into the water. They took Coco in with them to cool off!
I found my first Sharks tooth at St. Joe!

Fishing Day Two

We got into some redfish! They were schooling on top like crazy. We caught eight as fast as we could throw out in them! The kids fighting to reel them in was the best!

Day Two St. Joe

Saturday 12 November 2016
Coco awakened us for a nature call...little miffed, but very thankful after seeing the sunrise show!

Day One St. Joe

November 11, 2016
We were awakened by Sophia at 2!! In truck driving by 3, we made it a little after the park opened. Got the walk up site! Score! We launched and spent the day on the water.
The monarch butterflies were migrating through the park. We chased a few!
We stopped at the point of the peninsula to walk the beach.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Coco's 1st Fishing Weekend

Coco started the day by walking off the end of the dock...splash...into Lake Martin. She only jumped off the deck three times...I think she finally figured it out, that sucks.
We hiked pirate island. She hung in there. Coco was mildly interested in the fish we caught. Not aggressive like Louie! Fun day!