Friday, October 25, 2013

AU raptor show!

We drove out tonight to see the raptors of Auburn University. It was a very fascinating and informing show. The different birds flew over the crowd from trainer to trainer. There were different owls-barn, great horned, and screech. Turkey vultures, falcon, Harris and red tail hawks. An American kestrel. And the grand finale, Nova (aka War Eagle VII) a golden eagle.
Great Friday night fun! War Eagle!

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Sandbox Construction 101

SJ is helping daddy build a sandbox today. He's pretty good with the impact driver!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Tutu run!

Sophia ran almost the entire two laps of the track the high school! She paused when giving high fives...walked a small stretch...but did both laps! :) and looked fabulous doing it too.