Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Grandma Karen brought this onesie back from her trip out west for SJ. Too funny...& probably true at the time of photo!

Monday, September 27, 2010


Once again my faithful assistant is hard at work this year. She's gone from eating receipts to adding...well, playing with the adding machine. :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

First Trip!

This morning was SJ's first trip to breakfast. He slept through it...I see a trend with this kid!
Sophia enjoyed her truck driver breakfast as usual. After we finished, we pet the pig!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


The subject today was trees! Sophia made a tree and glued tissue paper leaves to it. This was the best photo I could get...she was pretty excited!
(SJ went along with us and slept through the entire thing...)


I'm really impressed with our antique store purchase! Sophia chasing rainbows in the kitchen. These crystals are the real deal...makes the afternoon magical!

Big Sister

Sophia helped with a bottle tonight. She thought she was big stuff.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Sophia, Kerry, SJ, & I went to a cool antique store in Valley, AL today. I bought Soso these "Brazilian crystals" to hang in the window...they make amazing rainbows!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sister Love

We've let Sophia hold SJ a little this week in the hospital to get use to him. She asked if she could hold him the first time by saying "baby" then pointing to her chest.
So far, and I won't assume her feelings here, she likes him. She smiles and pets his head saying, "baaaybee". Then points out all of the exposed body parts, hands, ears, nose...
There are a ton of hugs and kisses too.
One of the times that Sophia was holding SJ she didn't want to give him up. It was time for Steve and Sophia to leave. I asked Soso if the baby could go night night? And she very clearly replied, "no" while hugging SJ even closer. I said ok, five more minutes. After a little bit, I asked Sophia if she'd like a fruit snack? I'm glad I was sitting right next to them on the bed...I can't wait to tell SJ that his sister gave him up on a trade for gummy fruit shapes!! We go home today!! :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Soso's Sunday

Sophia has had a challenging week with visiting me in the hospital. But also a fun week-hanging out with Grandma & Grandpa. Calling her menu...a lot of pizza and chicken fingers. Full attention of daddy.
Sunday was a huge day of fun. Helen came over with her three kids to play. They went to municipal park. Helen said that Soso was filthy dirty nasty after playing hard Sunday afternoon! Steve and Helen sent me text photos so I felt I was there.
Photo is of the creek next to playground...and that's my girl! Wading right down the middle of it!

This AM

Back from the nursery this morning fresh and clean, SJ was sporting a new hair do! His hair is a really light blonde brown when washed and curly!
I heard Steve tell him the other day to enjoy that hair while he can!
You can tell also by facial expression that the nurses changed IV site from hand to foot...SJ looks pissed off buddy! Hate to tell him, if he hated today, tomorrow is the circumcision!

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Or gas? Probably gas...but too cute regardless! SJ is looking good health wise. We still have to stay to finish out drugs until mid next week. I'm hating the separation from Sophia, but loving getting to know our son.
I needed this time to do serious boy diaper changing practice!

Friday, September 10, 2010

AU vs Miss State

Proud daddy with his tigers gets ready to watch the game tonight! Win for Auburn, war eagle!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Better Day

SJ is out of lockdown and back in the room. He's on meds and an extended stay until we get a full round of drugs through him.
He's an eating and sleeping machine!


This is the photo for the previous post.

First Meeting

The first time Sophia walked into the room with SJ, she came around the bed...and said "Bay-beeee"! She touched his little feet with care. I moved him closer towards her for inspection. Without hesitation or prompting, Soso made a little fist, reached up and gently gave SJ knuckles! I know it won't always be as magical a relationship...but that's an awesome start.

Rough End to Day One

SJ closed the first night of life with accelerated breathing and ended up in the nursery for observation. He was placed under this oxygen helmet to try to give him a break and get it under control.
The doctors have run tests, taken x-rays. They are not really sure what is going on to cause him to breathe this way. He's being administered treatment as if it were pneumonia.
So far, as of last check, he's doing better! Have to wait and see what the day brings.
SJ was weened off the oxygen yesterday afternoon. They removed the "Buzz Lightyear Helmet" (oxygen hood) from over his head. Cautious steps in a positive direction! Best part of yesterday, was able to hold him again around 8 pm on day two for about 30 mins!
I will be discharged later today, but remain here at the hospital with our baby boy for a potential seven to ten additional days. I'm about to go down to lockdown and love on him!
Thought for today:
"There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever."
Mohandas Gandhi 
I'm not saying I'm not thinking about SJ nonstop...but we aren't going to get bogged down in the drama, unknown, or hypothetical. It is what is, what's next, let's move on! :)
Thank you so much for all the wonderful thoughts, prayers, and messages! It's nice to see and feel the support system that team Kennedy and it's newest little member has surrounding us!
Updates and photos will be posted as warranted!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Sophia is trying to take pictures of Grandma and SJ! Very cute!

Crib nap


SJ holding my finger...he really holds my heart too already!


Always a fun shot...old man feet.

SVK, jr

Relaxing after a big morning! Little does he know big sister is on her way!!! Photos to follow...

He's here!

Introducing Stephen Van Kennedy, Jr! Born 6:08am, 8lbs 7oz, 21 inches
All healthy and happy!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Samford Hall

Steve gives Sophia flight in front of Auburn's University's Samford Hall. We had a great time today! No baby yet...

War eagle!

Headed to tailgate!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Toddler Time

This week's subject at the library was doctors and nurses. Ms Cynthia read three books and we sang three songs about it. Soso also made a doctors bag with stuff inside. Cool craft.
Sophia spent most of the reading time hiding behind me...but it's ok. She is warming up to the entire deal. She was staring at the book.
This morning was made possible by SJ not showing up on his due date! Still waiting for his appearance into the world.