Thursday, October 28, 2010

Trick or Treat Downtown

We went to downtown trick or treat tonight.
Again this year, Mark went with us to take
pictures. Unless he's in them, photos by Uncle Mark.
SJ is wearing the tiger costume that Sophia
originally was going to wear...if she had been born early.
Here he is as we leave the house in his carseat...
a rare eyes wide open shot!?
Sophia picked out her costume from a pattern book.
I would have bet on a princess...but Tinkerbell
is pretty stinking cute!
Ready to start collecting candy!
Walking to downtown
Sophia had to get the hang of asking for candy again...
she was a quick learner!
She didn't care for the people handing out the candy
to place the piece of candy in her pumpkin.
She preferred they hand it to her...
and SHE would place it in the pumpkin.
Only explanation I can come up with,
she thought they were trying to take her candy!
Thank you! it in herself.
Holding on tight to Uncle Mark's leg.
Some of the costumes freaked her out a little.
One spiderman really made her grip my hand tight.
Go figure, not the grim reaper...Spiderman?
Looking at Aubie
Aubie was downtown posing for photos.
Only way she would get close...
Uncle Mark had to pick her up!
Notice the little girl to the right...
Steve carried SJ in the front pack.
Here he is moving SJ's feet up and down
dancing to the music!
Really cool band played in the center.
There was a good turn out
SJ peeking out...
Stopping to partake of the goodies,
in the middle of the street!
Me and my baby girl
Sophia and I dancing to the band
Quick dip!
Love the downtown area
Sophia flapping her fairy wings
With sugar in her veins...
Sophia pretty much ran to the Jeep!
Neat moment, Sophia checking out the butterflies
in the store window...
SJ & I
my little tiger
We didn't collect as much candy as last year...
but I think that we had so much more fun!
Sophia certainly had a blast!
Thank you Mark for going with us,
but also capturing the moment!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Every great fisherman honed his or her skills by practice casting in the yard. Here's a stolen photo from our bedroom window. I knew if I went downstairs my two photophobic loves would bolt! This precious moment would only be know to me.
Steve helping Sophia perfect her cast with her light up barbie rod...between the boat and truck! We have insurance for that...

Saturday, October 23, 2010

War Eagle!

Auburn vs LSU here we go...!

Friday, October 22, 2010

If Only...

If only her feet reached the petals, she would be hauling it across the yard...probably at top speeds. Sophia jumped up on the lawn mower this AM like she knew what she was doing! Grabbing the wheel, trying to shift the gears...
Going to have to take the key out of it...she finds that and she may take off.
She sticks her tongue out, just like her daddy, when she's concentrating.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hang with Dad

Sophia was playing with the sand toys box while spending time with Daddy. She liked the umbrella hat...Steve sent me this picture text and I thought I'd share!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Auburn vs. South Carolina

This was taken Saturday of the Auburn/SC match up.
We didn't go to the game or tailgate,
BUT we dressed in appropriate colors for the day!
Yes, we are that family.
Here are some photos on our front steps
that we spontaneously sat for...
(Thank you Elizabeth K for making us,
and Shelby for taking them!)
Sophia was more interested in running around the yard.
She gets the shaker concept!
(Sophia turns two at the end of Oct)
When you say, "War Eagle..."
she adds the "HEY!" for you.
SJ & I sitting on the steps...
he's hungry and ticked off about the sun
in his eyes!
(SJ is two and half weeks old in these photos)
Sophia about whipped our eyes out!
Soso on the run and shaking it!
War eagle!

Funny Faces Sunday

A mini-photo shoot with SJ the other day...

Just a few more photos from Sunday in the yard.
Sophia was cracking me up with the facial expressions!
I'm not really sure what she was saying...
but she meant it!

The next couple of shots are when she's
playing in a self created mud puddle!

Sophia in the Sun

I took this Sunday while we were out on our back deck.
Sophia doesn't pose for me, just like her daddy,
I have to steal a photograph in passing!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My chef

Tonight as I was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, Sophia pushed a kitchen table chair over to the counter. She climbed up in the chair, looked me in the eyes and said, "Momma. I want to cooooook."
I was stunned...shook it off and replied, "Honey, I already made dinner. It's all done." She went on to repeat it three more times. I asked Steve if he could hear what she was saying! He could.
So instead of saying no, I got down a package of blueberry muffin mix. Handed it to Sophia, and asked her, "can we cook this?" (there's a photo of the muffin on the front)
She said excited, "YES MOMMA! CAKE!" She thought they were cupcakes.
I handed Soso the cup liners and she placed them in the pan. She poured the milk that I measured into the bowl. Poured the powder mix in next. Stirred. Then spooned the mix into the cups.
SJ needed to be fed, so I tagged Daddy in for the putting in oven and taking out.
Baby girl made cakes. We did all the handling of the hot, but she did the rest! I wish the photo wasn't out of focus!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

AU vs AR

I started filming the sunset...then Auburn intercepted the football. Sophia was pretty stinking cute. She was slapping high fives after big plays. I'm sure she didn't understand the plays, but reacted with the crowd. Hey, any reason to scream at the top of your lungs...
When you say a huge "war eagle", Sophia doesn't miss a beat with the "hey!".

Tiger Walk

Sophia's first Tiger Walk on daddy's shoulders! War Eagle!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday Night Jam!

We went to the concert in the park last night. It was beautiful weather to sit on a blanket in a field and listen to the band play. Sophia played ball, & danced! Here is a blurry photo of the action.
At one point in the night, Sophia looked up excited...said, "Momma!! MOON!" So proud she loves the night sky!


Steve and his shadow reading on the floor in our room. Soso loves books.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


90% for weight 11-2; 75% height 22.25 inches :) one month check up and shots. Big boy!
This was his first day to wear his overalls! Smashingly handsome.