Monday, August 4, 2008

Niagara Falls USA View

The families of the fishing trail went to Niagara Falls last Thursday.
We stayed on the USA side of the river, which I had never done before.
(Steve and I usually cross over into Canada. We enjoy the frustration of crossing the border.)
When you drive up to the area, the first thing you see is the mist rising!
We actually walked around in Niagara Falls State Park.

Blue dots are people!

Below the observation deck looking up at falls.

The blue dots...those are people!

This shot is another from the observation platform.

Bargain for $1.00 to get a better look and out there.
A little high for my taste...
Close-up of waterfall...very hypnotic and powerful
Looking towards Canada, American falls to left
Flashback photo:
Canadian side view of Horseshoe falls.
Took this shot last year from Canada,
Canada so got the better view...

There are beautiful flowers all around the park

Groundhog that lives on cliff beside river!

Me highlighting the Sophia bump in front of falls!


  1. That's getting to be SOME impressive gut! Trying to look like a bona fide Auburn fan, or what? Better cut back on the beer a bit.


  2. Sophia doesn't look that big but your boobs do!
