Saturday, February 27, 2010

Day 3

Sophia had a fabulous breakfast this AM. She is passed out. We took a
wrong turn and left Albuuerque.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Last State for the Day

This is a lame shot of an amazing sunset over New Mexico. We are
pulling in for the night in Albuquerque...

Head Rest?

Sophia on this trip is taking her stuffed animals and shoves them
beside and behind her head. Not sure it's comfortable...but she keeps
doing it!

Route 66

We drove I-40 through Oklahoma and Texas which parallels Historic
Route 66. We pulled off and took in a small section of it. These signs
didn't look so high in the air until we walked up to it!
Soso and I somewhere along Route 66, getting our kicks!!

Bell Hop

Sophia helped push the cart!

Next Stop Yesterday

Memphis! We did a drive by on Graceland. (FYI-it closes at 4pm in the
winter.) We pulled in to the parking lot next to the planes after, naturally we had to go drown our sorrows at Baskin Robbins!
Soso likes "gold medal ribbon"...a lot.
To complete the Elvis pilgrimidge, we drove by Sun Records. Also in
Memphis, Beale Street and the Peabody. (Didn't go in to see ducks.
Soso would have loved that! Plus, parking a dually and boat downtown...)
On ward! We spent the night near AR/OK border.


Shelby, Soso, & pups. We visited the birthplace of Elvis Presley. Here
they test out the porch swing in Tupelo, MS.

Puppy Loving

We are off! Sophia is loving riding across country with Bentley and
Daisy. This was during a pitstop! The puppies are usually curled up in
Shelby's lap sleeping!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Front Page News?

Steve made the cover of the Birmingham News this morning. It's all who
is in the boat with you for the day. Steve, after day one, sits in
42nd place. Two fat(ok not really) fish that weighed 2-10. Thinking
big fish day two!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

First Ear Infection

Sophia has her first ear infection at almost 16 months. Not
complaining, just sharing. Poor pitiful thing. Here she's kicking back
watching a Disney channel original movie with dogs...looks just like
Steve when he relaxes!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Friday's Snow

We were in the Birmingham area on Lay Lake
when the big snow storm came through Alabama.
Steve was practicing for the Classic in the snow.

Sophia watching out the window
as it started to come down.
We had to go play in it
even though the campground
was MUDDY.
Soso just threw the snowballs
on the ground...
she wasn't scared of them.
Just indifferent.
Here Kerry tries to help her throw
a snowball at me...
never happened.
Our girl just wanted to stomp
around in a mud puddle!
Something her daddy taught her,
and she loves to do.
All the beautiful snow to play in...
she still wanted to splash.

Steve came in to warm up
and eat lunch.
He walked from the ramp up
to the RV part.
He had ICE on the visor of his rain suit.
It's all fun and games until
you sit in the puddle.
With a soaked hind end,
we called it a day on the playing.
Steve swooped her up and off to the bus.
She was happy in daddy's arms.
Smiling and waving, "see ya!"
Bird shots in the snow...
of course!
A few bluebirds stopped by our window.
We didn't get a ton of snow like the rest
of the state. I'd call it a nice dusting.
It melted and was gone the next day!
We still had the snowy mud.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


We hit "Cafe USA" this morning. Today is off limits because of the
meeting. Last year, we spent many a morning after blast off during the
Classic in this restaurant. The decor is all red, white, & blue! Even
the plates.

Monday, February 8, 2010


Derek stopped by...Sophia brought him all her beads. Poor man, she had
to sit right next to him as he tried to work on the laptop.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Dogs! Cats! Rabbits! Oh My!

We had beautiful weather for
Krewe of Barkus & Meoux Pet Parade today
in downtown Shreveport, LA.
The theme was "Pawsitively Pet-riotic".
Nice size crowd, and great participants.
Sophia taking it all in when we first pulled up.
There were plenty of dogs in tutus.
Tons of Saints garb decorated pets.
Most kept to the theme with red, white, and blue.
This is the king of the parade.
I asked if he'd take a photo with Soso.
She was a little freaked out by him,
but all was good after he gave her a strand
of Fleur-De-Lis shaped gold beads.
We picked up Anne, Mitchell, and Macy
Lefebre to go with us.
They had never been to any Mardi Gras stuff...
so, of course, I had to take them!
Before the parade started,
I let Sophia run around.
She chased after every dog in sight.
Yes, a float full of painted poodles
kicked it off...
Some of the folks had the decorated strollers
with dogs riding in them.
Very decorated...
This is the lady that handed Sophia her dog doll.
She hugged it for most of the parade...
well, until the candy started flying.
Here she is handed a piece of candy.
Very patriotic pets, and owner.
Soso made friends with a dog
(that looked a lot like Louie) during
the parade.
I got a kick out of this guy and dog
matching t-shirts:
"At Last. A cold day in hell. 2010 Superbowl"
Self shot of me and Soso
Notice that the beads are starting
to pile on...
A miniature horse even walked in the parade...
Mitchell and Macy pet the horse
(it had its winter coat going).
The bunny rabbit that had to be scared
out of its little mind with all these beagles
walking around!
Poor guy will definitely need major therapy next week.
"Sarah Pawlin"
It was a bulldog with a hairpiece and a red suit!
Really cute idea.
The only a stroller.
The entire time it went by us it
was meowing...loudly.
I'd have to say, it did not enjoy the parade.
Again, therapy.
Front row on the sidewalk
to watch the parade.
This was taken after the parade was over.
(Sophia actually stood on the drink tray of the stroller.
She can see better up there, and I have her in my arms.)
These are only a few of the beads she snagged.
It was a good day of collecting beads.
I think she enjoyed watching all the crazy
pet costumes and owners.
She also really liked the little stuffed dog.
Group shot
There was a prize given for
best look alike...
Don't know if she won or not.
I was impressed!
Soso at the waterfront park
where the parade and festivities
were held next to the river.
Next, we went shopping across the river
in a really cool outdoor mall called the boardwalk.
Then, we took the Lefebres back to their place.
As soon as the truck was quiet...
We had a fun day.