Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fishing Big Bay de Noc 7/5/12

We put in at the campground at Fayette State Park.
 Beautiful scenery
 Watermelon break...only way to eat it.
Then wash off in the lake!
 Carp on! SK was using a flyrod only
 I think he said it was a 20 pounder...it wouldn't register on the scale.
The kids love looking at and petting on the fish.
 SJ was so excited about releasing the carp...
that he rolled over the side with it!
SK was quick with the handle grab!
Two catches over twenty in minutes of each other!
 Kids washing off the doritos dust from their fingers
 FISH ON! SK was excited about this smallmouth!
 His lovely assisstant coming in with the scales...
it's as if she doesn't believe it's a 5 pounder.
 It's reading in KG...but if you do the math:
2.32 KG=5.11472448LBS
 SJ practicing his grab and grin like a pro...
he just has to quit saying "PHISH" while the photo is being taken!
 Sophia with her catch of the day...SK called it 15 ounces!
She was proud of it!
 Helping daddy look for fish as we pull into the "Historic Fayette Township"

Fun day of fishing!
SJ tends to nap on the go...
doesn't care!

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