Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Oh Duck...

After lunch, the kids wanted to show SK the ducks in the fountain at the Peabody. It was right across from the restaurant.

Tour guide Sophia pointed out the ghost piano that was really a robot piano...not a ghost like mommy said. :) It is a high tech player piano. Smart kids...

They pointed out this and that about the hotel. Eventually to the elevators, SJ explained how they have a red carpet and walk from here(elevator) and JUMP into the fountain. Ta Da, there are the ducks. Still five floating around.

While watching the ducks...well the male was jumping the female and holding her underwater.
SJ was squealing with laughter because "THE DUCKS ARE FIGHTING!!"
Sophia said that one duck wasn't being very nice...

I looked at the puzzled couple next to us and said TO THEM, "the ducks are...romancing each other"
We left the ducks...let them have their privacy. I don't think they really could have cared.

Little later stopped at the crosswalk, holding Sophia's hand, she looks up and asks, "what's romancing?".


I said, "It's when ducks make baby ducks."
She replied, "Ok."

1 comment:

  1. like being at a deposition:
    answer only what's asked
    keep your answers simple and monosyllabic

    that's how I got through it ;)
    And when you're ready, I know this GREAT book
    Love y'all
    Aunt Amy
