Wednesday, July 23, 2008

4D Ultrasound Today

Sophia Mae Kennedy under the camera.
I was not up for doing this...never really could "see" what
I was suppose to be seeing in ultrasound.
Steve said Monday...let's do it.
Ok, today it was pretty cool to get to see her in action.
I liked it when the lady just let her move around.
I was able to visualize the movements that have been going on.
I now know the difference when she is kicking and punching.
We also got to see a yawn.
Smiling with both arms and hands in shot.
Her feet crossed and TOUCHING her forehead,
hand above head

Another not clear shot of her feet crossed,

kicking back in the womb. Not really, her face is blurred behind.

Ouch...that can't be comfortable?

Another face shot with foot and elbow.

She really didn't want her picture taken today.

Kept holding hand up...

camera shy like her Daddy.

(Al will get this one...)

A little high, but she's practicing doing "SK in thought".

That is her Rockett Kick going on too, little foot in the air.


  1. loved them! she is lovely :)and limber ;) ha ha

  2. She is so pretty! I know the 4d was fun, it was my favorite part of everything so far!
